Make sure there is always healthy and clean water in the property
Residents in apartment buildings depend on a good and stable water supply. Guldager has been providing corrosion protection and water treatment to countless properties for more than 70 years. We therefore know the challenges in residential buildings and have made it our speciality to deliver complete solutions, where we think about the entire water installation. We call it intelligent water treatment.
This means that we provide corrosion protection, softened water and bacteria prevention to many of our customers. But we don't just provide the systems to solve the problems, we also keep them running around the clock.
At Guldager, intelligent water treatment is also effective service. And our comprehensive service programme allows you to make a service agreement that suits your needs.
With a complete solution from Guldager, including an ongoing service agreement, we can ensure that your water installation is operational around the clock and provides healthy and clean water to residents.