Steam boilers are an essential part of production in many companies. Reliability is therefore imperative.

Correct water treatment is important - failure to focus on water quality in the steam boiler system can lead to operational problems:

  • Coating and sludge formation
    Coating and sludge formation are known nuisances when water treatment is suboptimal. Sludge and deposits lead to increased fuel consumption, while causing stress to the structural materials of the steam boiler. Coatings in the steam boiler reduce the lifetime of the plant.


  • High corrosion rates
    High corrosion rates in the condensate system are often seen in steam boiler plants, resulting in repair work and operating losses. The dissolved metals in the corrosion process are returned to the boiler plant where they can cause coatings, reduce energy efficiency and increase corrosion rates.
  • Risk of corrosion
    Steam boiler plants are particularly vulnerable to corrosion caused by oxygen. The choice of the right oxygenation technology is important; inefficient oxygenation can lead to rapid corrosion of the feed tank, pumps and pipes as well as the boiler itself. The wrong oxygen binder can also lead to increased bottom blowing, resulting in unnecessary energy loss.


  • Operating nuisance
    Serious operational problems such as foaming, flash boiling and wet steam production are most often caused by a lack of control over boiler water quality. The optimal water treatment program keeps the crucial parameters under control and ensures optimal operation.


It is therefore very important that the water in the boiler is of the right quality.



Guldager AdditiveCare - Steam boilers

Guldager AdditiveCare is a total solution of water treatment for steam boiler systems, so steam is always available and production stops are avoided.

The AdditiveCare programme contains a wide range of excipients - all food approved - which are specially formulated to avoid operational problems.

  • Oxygen binders for corrosion protection of feedwater systems and boilers
  • Coating inhibitors to prevent coating formation and energy loss in the boiler
  • Products for removal of existing coatings during normal operation
  • Alkalizing agents for the elimination of oxygen nucleation in condensate networks
  • Oxygen scavengers for protection against oxygen decomposition in condensate networks
  • Multifunctional combination products

You will always have an initial, thorough review of your boiler plant to identify all aspects and issues of operation - both technical and financial.

The technologies in the AdditiveCare programme are combined with Guldager's wide range of water treatment plants, dosing and control equipment, analytical and laboratory services and our extensive service catalogue. This results in a total solution, which provides optimal operation of your steam boiler system without operational disturbances and with optimal operating economy.

It's a total solution, where you get a single supplier of plant, equipment, additives, advice and service.
In short: One-point-of-contact.

The benefits for you are many:

  • Minimising water consumption
  • Optimal energy consumption
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Minimal CO2 footprint
  • Maximum plant value
  • Minimization of Down-time


Read more about the benefits of having Guldager as your One-point-of-contact supplier for-
connection with water treatment for steam boilers.

Get started


Learn more about how to get started with Guldager AdditiveCare - the effective water treatment for steam boilers.

Use our chat function on this page or contact us at +45 48 13 44 00 if you have any questions or would like a visit from our consultants.

Our service centre is also in contact with our service vans if you need service for your installation or emergency assistance.