Low environmental footprint and consistently high water quality

Pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing facilities need high and consistent quality water treatment at many points in their processes.

Basically, water with specific purity requirements goes directly into intermediate and final products in this type of industries. High quality water treatment plants that consistently deliver water with the right composition are thus essential for pharmaceutical and chemical production.

The industry's production is typically characterised by a high need to heat, cool or maintain temperatures during the production process. The importance of efficient and reliable cooling and heating is therefore characteristic, as a lack of capacity not only reduces the output of the production plant, but can also directly affect the quality of the finished product and, in the worst case, lead to the rejection of products.

Therefore, reliability of water treatment of cooling, heating and steam systems is of utmost priority, so that the production process always has efficient cooling and heating available. In all situations, water treatment must ensure that the systems are protected against corrosion, deposit formation and microbiological growth. At the same time, the quality of the products used must meet stringent requirements and comply with industry-specific approvals.

The high consumption of water and energy in this type of industry means that there is a strong focus on reducing consumption and thus the overall environmental footprint of production. Water treatment is an important factor in ensuring optimally low water and energy consumption and minimising greenhouse gas emissions.

Guldager - your full service provider

With Guldager's 360° supply programme, pharmaceutical and chemical industry manufacturers can cover their needs for water treatment and corrosion protection with just one supplier.


Contact us at +45 48 13 44 00 and get a professional and no-obligation talk about your needs.

Hydrus-to-Process Industries

CASE: Completely clean water with significant savings

The food industry has high demands on the quality of process water. At a major slaughterhouse in Jutland, Guldager has installed a series of "UniSoft® Hydrus" softeners to ensure clean and lime-free process water.

The soft water is essential to achieve optimal cleaning in the slaughtering process with the least possible consumption. At the same time, there is no build-up of lime on tiles and equipment, making daily cleaning easier.

The consumption of water for rinsing at the slaughterhouse was high, and it was therefore crucial that Guldager's highly efficient Hydrus system could reduce the consumption of salt and water for regeneration compared to traditional softening systems.

Are you experiencing any of these problems?

... it's time to take a look at the water in the property. Contact us or read more about our products below.

Do you have problems with sludge deposits in your cooling system?

The reason:

Particles from the air are washed out into the cooling tower


A filter solution

These products can fix it:

UniFilter, bag filter, sand filter

Is your water consumption for cooling tower drainage too high?

The reason:

High evaporation of cooling water


Reuse of drainage water up to 75%

These products can fix it:


Corrosion of hot water pipes and hot water tank?

The reason:

Corrosion in pipes/boiler



These products can fix it:

UniCat®, cathodic protection

Lime coatings in hot water pipes and -boiler

The reason:

Lime in the water


Softening of the hot water

These products can fix it:

UniSoft® 30-60-90 / UniSoft® Hydrus

Red water or slime in the water

The reason:

Corrosion, limescale and bacteria


Catolysis/Electrolysis, softening, bacterial prevention

These products can fix it:

UniSoft® 30-60-90 / UniSoft® Hydrus, Unicat®, UniControl, LegioControl®, Healthy Water concept

High maintenance costs e.g. for pumps and valves

The reason:

Lime in the water



These products can fix it:

UniSoft® 30-60-90, UniSoft® Hydrus

High costs for return heat

The reason:

Poor heat transfer due to lime



These products can fix it:

UniSoft® 30-60-90, UniSoft® Hydrus, CalcFree

Lime coatings on working surfaces

The reason:

Lime in the water



These products can fix it:

UniSoft® 30-60-90, UniSoft® Hydrus


Catolysis is Guldager's effective technology to protect against corrosion in hot water
boilers and piping installations.

Cathodic Protection

For iron containers with corrosion-resistant piping. Can be combined with Unicat® and UniControl.


For installations with galvanised steel piping systems, with changeovers or small boilers, where it is not possible to fit cathodes.