Water-based cooling systems rely heavily on the optimum quality of cooling water.
Failure to maintain optimal quality can result in a number of costly operational nuisances:
Water-based cooling systems rely heavily on the optimum quality of cooling water.
Failure to maintain optimal quality can result in a number of costly operational nuisances:
It is therefore very important that the water in the cooling system is of the right quality.
Guldager AdditiveCare is a total solution for water treatment of open and closed cooling systems.
This solution includes a wide range of additives specifically designed to solve operational problems in refrigeration circuits:
You'll always have an initial, thorough review of your refrigeration system, so that all aspects and issues of operation are identified - both technical and financial.
The technologies in the AdditiveCare programme are combined with Guldager's wide range of water treatment plants, dosing and control equipment, analytical and laboratory services and our extensive service catalogue. This creates a total solution that provides optimal operation of your cooling system without disruption and with optimal operating economy.
It's a total solution, where you get a single supplier of plant, equipment, additives, advice and service.
In short: One-point-of-contact.
Read more about the benefits of having Guldager as your One-point-of-contact supplier for-
connection with water treatment for cooling systems.
Learn more about how to get started with Guldager AdditiveCare - the efficient water treatment for cooling systems
Learn more about how to get started with Guldager AdditiveCare - the efficient water treatment for cooling systems.
Use our chat function on this page or contact us at +45 48 13 44 00 if you have any questions or would like a visit from our consultants.
Our service centre is also in contact with our service vans if you need service for your installation or emergency assistance.