The heavyweight in reverse osmosis systems. Just turn on the tap and you get an output of between 40 and 100 m3 per hour.
The heavyweight in reverse osmosis systems. Just turn on the tap and you get an output of between 40 and 100 m3 per hour.
GENO-EDI-X plants serve as the process step for final demineralization (polisher) after a reverse osmosis GENO-OSMO.
Treating large volumes of water with low pressure loss requires a system designed for this purpose.
Filters for commercial kitchens. Make the best coffee, wash dishes without lime stains or make the clearest ice cubes with a CTU filter.
UniLog is wireless and communicates with a receiver. All temperatures in the system are sent to the cloud where they are monitored by Guldager A/S.
MR and MXA are a range of manual and automatic backwash filters
Portable RO system without the need for pre-treatment - recovery at least 50%.
Fully automated system for large industrial applications. The big brother of GENO-OSMO-X with horizontal 8" membranes and desalinated water in large volumes.
Perfect for smaller technical installations where efficiency and reduction of salts in the water is of great importance.